Andy Evans – First Duathlon of 2016
14/2/16 report by Andy Evans.
The first of three Lisburn duathlons took place, following the usual 2-10-2 (run-cycle-run)format it promised to be a good tough event.
On the day although a little cool to start the sun was shining and wind behaving itself. Great turnout of around 102 athletes ranging from seasoned pros to first timers.
At 10 o’clock after a race Briefing we were off! First two mile run on a flat course round the Down Royal racecourse sounds easy but the lack of running on my part and short quick pace made it tight enough!
First run done quicker than originally thought it was time for transition (need to practice more) then out on bike. Race strategy was get through the runs and nail the bike.
Great bike course with only one real drag on second half, and I managed to make up a lot of time and overtook quite a few, I was actually fifth fastest on bike leg, felt good powering past guys on fully blown TT bikes and all the gear!
Bike leg completed official time 28.00 minutes it was onto the second run which I was not looking forward to! This was going to be unpleasant!
I start running and to my surprise didn’t feel as bad, I got into my stride and focused on each mile and was only around a minute slower than first run so all good.
Aiming and thinking I’m on target for a sub hour I cross the finish in 1 hour 49 seconds!! Ah well I now have a target for the next race, bring it on!!!