Week Ending 13-04-14
The club had a relatively quiet week, with only a couple making the effort to turn up for the mid-week club run, and there was no MTB races as well as Paul & Drew not entering any road races.
It is great to see Drew progress from A4 to A3 in a matter of 4 race finishes. It’ll not be long until the powerhouse Paul will be up with him.
Some members really bit the bullet this week and covered masses of miles, Neil P & Steve M got a bit excited at the thoughts of others heading over Spelga on the proposed Saturday club run, so they sneaked off a day early and done it on the Friday.
The Saturday club run, which consisted of Michael R, Richard M, Andrew E, Rod M & Paul C cycled to over Dree, Spelga in preperation for their Gran Fonda training, with four of them getting over the 100mile mark. It was also good to read (on Strava) that some others did big mileage on Sunday (Darren R & Peter D) as part of their training. We did hear rumours that Charlie W done over 120km, but without the Strava evidence we don’t believe him 😉
The club also gained two new members and have now gone into negotiations with a few clothing companies for casual clothing, so watch this space.