Round 9 of Ulster CX league at Donard Park

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It was Shimna Wheeler’s turn to host the ninth and final round of the league at Donard park in Newcastle on Sunday past.  The rain thankfully stayed away for a few days leaving the course very rideable with the riders only having to dismount for the log, plank and step obstacles.  The course was full of slippy switchbacks that really tested you handling skills.  There were a few draggy climbs but fast flowing descents followed for a bit of recovery. The sand pit was back but it was a lot easier than last year to ride through!

Eight KCCers turned up for this round and first off was Elliot in the U10s.  He was sitting 2nd until a crash knocked him back to 3rd were he finished up – great result!  Reuben fought hard to take the TOP step on the podium in the best race of the day to make it 8 wins out of 9 in the U12s. I think someone deserves a new bike – great effort all season.

Next up was young Andrew in the U14’s finishing 4th in the 3 lap race of the main course.  After the U14s and ladies races it was my turn in the ‘A’ race.  I had a steady race and felt like I was going well.  Results said different finishing 49th after 6 looooong laps…

The ‘B’ race and MTB support were the final races of the day with Andy, Rod, James in the Bee’s and Scott starting behind in the support race.  Scott ended up passing all the CXers but one taking the top podium spot again!  The others finished well in the 5 lap race, 29th, 33rd and 49th.

Massive thanks to Shimna Wheelers and all the ulster CX team for another great day.  Next week is the Ulster Championships in Mallusk hosted by Kinnings Cycles. Info and full results here .



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