KCC raise a staggering £6100 for Tiny Life through our K150 event

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What an achievement for KCC to hand over a cheque for £6100 to our nominated charity this year Tiny Life
The work that the majority of our committee, members & sponsor’s put in this year proved to be another success for the club as we had over 300 cyclists attend our recent Killinchy 150 event. This resulted in the amount of money we could hand over to this vital charity that helps families with premature babies amongst other family issues.


On another note we also had a great BBQ (17/09/16) at the hall with around 60 members and families turning up to enjoy the food, drink, off road course ‘for all the kids’ and the craic amongst good friends. We’d like to say thank you to all those who contributed to making this another successful day for the club.


The last round of the Vitus Enduro series was held in Donard on 18/09/16 and we only had one member attend wee ‘hill repeat’ Drew Armstrong, who had a good race even though he fell off on one stage and lost a bit of time, he came 4th in his class and in the top 30 out of a couple of hundred entrants – RESPECT & WELL DONE!!


CX season starts 23/09/16 at Orangefield park and we have several members entered, so if you can please try and attend to encourage these riders on..

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