Busy week for KCC
On Monday 14-3-16 the members who turned up to our EGM unanimously voted in our new constitution.
The committee got down to business organising and buying new equipment for our three year development plan for youth & juniors progressing through the club.
St Patricks Day cycle turned out to be a great success with 33 attendees of all different abilities, they broke up into groups and set of to Prima Gusto in Hillsborough for coffee, before the return leg home which of course entailed a stop at our sponsors The Poachers Pocket for a well deserved beverage, even for Drew who was challenging himself to complete a 200 mile cycle in preparation for the Majorca 312 (thanks DR & MA for the water top up)
Killinchy was well represented at Ormeau Park, for the second round of the XMTB Spring League. First race out of retirement for Elliot Maitland in the Under 8’s finishing 4th, with his cousin Rudi not too far behind him. Next up was the Under 10’s were Reuben Maitland finished in 1st place 21 seconds ahead of 2nd place and Gracie Maitland rode strongly to finish in 6th place. One of our new younger members, Andrew Croskery represented us in the Under 12 category and finished a very respectable 6th place. Then it was onto the ever consistent Drew Armstrong in the Under 16’s, who finished in a superb 3rd place after having to stop for a mechanical. Next was the Adult B Race were Geoff Maitland and Rod McBride were out in a field of 31 competitors. Rod finished in 12th and Geoff finished strongly in 3rd. Then it was onto the Adult A race were it was up to Scott Maitland to fly the fly for KCC, he didn’t let himself down and finished an excellent 7th place in a very strong field. Great to see the KCC kids having fun and holding their own – well done to all who attended the event.
KCC also had growing numbers at the weekly club runs, with some members coming out for the first time this year to join in various club rides. The weather must be turning for the better as even the McClements dusted down their bikes and put in a few miles during the week 😉
Finally it was another good week for the mile munchers, as the club accumulated over 5600 miles between them in one week, with wee Andy McCullough topping the leader board with just over 632km (but well below Drew on elevation – must be 312 training going on)