North Down Physio – Informative Evening

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After a lot of chat/discussions from members and talking to Julia, KCC eventually got around to holding an information night in relation to cycling at Killinchy Community Hall. Julia Webster from North Down Physio along with Steve Spence, Brendan McCourt & Gary McKeagan all attending on the 22-2-16 to give us an insight to the different aspects of our preferred sport.
The evening started with Julia giving us a brief introduction to the three speakers, then Steve took to the floor and gave us a very comprehensive talk about mobility and posture pre & post cycling along with various exercises to unglue the muscles and tissues around certain areas of the body.
Next up was Brendan who talked about the mental focus side of cycling and how to train your brain and mind to achieve goals for the incoming season, and how to prepare yourself mentally prior to events, so you can focus on the positives, as loosing is not being defeated, it’s about getting feedback on how to do better.
Finally Gary came up to speak, however he started of with a different approach, by asking attendees to write down questions and he would try and answer them through his presentation (I think this was good as it gave members a chance to ask without speaking publically). Gary talked about nutrition, training, threshold, heart rate, power outputs etc, which had everybody very attentive and ears open as it covered all the different aspects of peoples goals for the season.
And to close the night, Gary let some use his watt bike so they could actually see their pedal strokes, dead spots etc (only thing was Michael could not get young Drew off it to take him home 🙂
On behalf of KCC, I’d like to thank all those who took the time out of their busy schedules to attend and especially all the talkers who travelled to Killinchy to give us the talk, as it kind of went on later than expected.
Thanks Drew..

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