KCC go Spinning

Published by admin on

Thursday 7th Jan 2016, saw the first of Peter Disney’s spin classes at Core Fitness Newtownards. The club had an amazing number of 19 attending and due to the number being more than expected Peter had to request a second class to accommodate. Hopefully this will be the push some members need to get them ready for brighter months that lie ahead as well as the racing season for some others. If anybody is wanting to attend please watch our FB page for dates and times available to register your interest.

During the week we also had our club runs that are being well attended, and at the weekend we had a few members encounter very close calls with vehicles whilst out on club rides. We have reported one of the incidents to the PSNI reference a car and this has been witnessed by other members who have (or will be) giving statements. Thankfully nobody was hurt or injured during the incidents, however it highlights the importance of being insured and affiliated to your club – so please remember to re-new your insurance ASAP!!

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