Minutes of AGM 2015
Ross opened the meeting with a list of apologies; he then talked in detail about the success of the club throughout the past year
• 116 Members
• 37 Ladies
• PP Sponsorship
• Club Bikes from CRC
• Clothing
• Safeguarding and Access NI Cleared Members
• Lots of Club Socials
• Regular Club Runs are well established
• Tuesday night inter club league – raise bar on safety and hope to see more compete in these next year. Ultimate Goal is to run our own league
• Killinchy 150 – Unbelievable Turnout
• Wicklow 200
• Open Competition – summary of participants.
• Individual Events and Charity Sportives that we supported. Definitely becoming a well recognised club
The Club agreed last year’s minutes
K150 14 August 2016
Women’s only cycle 3rd July
• Keep membership as it is. Club Funds are up. Agreed £10 a year going forward.
Treasurer’s report
• Agreed to acquire the club bikes.
• Nicola D suggested we maybe acquire children’s bikes.
• The Level 1 Coaching course is more detailed course – 2 day course. This must be done to move the different disciplines and coach the likes of CX and MTB.
• Scott M said that Shimna had approached us about going to CI/CU for sprocket rocket course.
• Neil P suggested we ID someone who would take responsibility for the development of the Youth as it was clear from members that this is an area that needs further development and progression.
Other Items
• Christmas Dinner – £22.95 lunch price Friday 11th December
• New Bank Accounts
• Rod’s Trip. Problems with Majorca 312 – flights had to be paid up front. Moved to Early May. The deposit is £60pp and then each person can pay gradually. Don’t require names until 6 weeks before the trip. Deposit required by CoB Friday 6th November
• Club Runs – regular club spins seemed to be clearer now on FB. We talked about the use of the various FB sites and the problems with information overload and offensive items. Member’s only NP suggested we have member only page. We talked about closing the open page. But it was felt that the open page attracted more potential new members. They talked about the Belles Page – there was talk of closing it. But ND felt that the Belles page attracted a number of women who only wanted to cycle with other women.
• ND and Jill McC noted to members to be careful about what you are posting and to not be offensive. Possibility of doing rules.
• Clothing – We need to speak to Garth what the discounts are and try to question what the discounts are involved. Ronan S thinks that the PH logo is too big and overpowers PP logo – and can we suggest to take it out, and point out that other sponsors pay for it and what can he do NP suggested we speak to Neil McGuigan about guidance in approaching Garth to try and reduce the PH logo or explain the way his discounts work.
o Appoint someone look after it
o We need Garth Logo
o We need advice on the discounting
o Club to book meeting for members to talk about the kit
o Members want 3 orders – January/May/August
• It was noted how good Ronan was to us with the kit sponsorship and just in general with all the events
Lyn talked about the importance of child protection
Lyn then talked about what has been achieved so far this year
o 2 Safeguarding Officers
o Relevant training completed
o Child Protection Statement in place
o Code of conduct for parents so that parents don’t abuse the club
o Code of conduct for young people to encourage good sportsmanship
o Consent form which has come from CI – this should be live
o KCC interim policy which was developed for children coming along on cycles. We agreed club member’s children only.
o Some increase in the involvement with children in club cycles
• Lyn then talked about the important principles regarding safeguarding.
o Confidentiality and procedure surrounding allegations.
o Noted that it is not the job of any committee member to investigate but there has to be context and be proportionate in our responses.
• Lyn discussed what we need to do going forward.
o Develop responses to complaints etc, training, vetting,
o Do we need to develop complaints policy?
o More coaches. We do wanted to commission more training and support coaches.
o Think about child specific runs etc.
o We need to make KCC a child friendly and child safe club
• Child members must do cycling Ireland licence at £5. KCC membership is free.
Richard M talked about the voting that took place last year on changes to the constitution. This was because as it is it requires 2/3 of members to be present. RM discussed what we had voted on. Namely the women’s officer and the vote on the postal voting.
RM had asked David D to review the constitution for some guidance as to how to set things straight. He has made some suggestions that we can make changes subject to 2/3rds of people present voting. RM said that we must change this constitution and that there is no point voting on it is that it’s still unconstitutional.
In addition Proposal that membership is CI and KCC too. This was seconded by NP.
Committee Voting
It was agreed to do the paper vote. Colin, Stephen and Mark agreed to count.
The results were as follows:
Chair: Scott Maitland
Secretary: Drew Murray
Assistant Secretary: Ross Galway
Ladies: Catherine Watson
Treasurer: Jane McCabe
Safeguarding Officers: Lyn Adams Preece – default ladies
Kevin conceded his nomination to Peter Disney
Ross proposed and Drew seconded Andy McCullough as IT
Ross asked people if they can provide a write up for any events they had attended so we can keep website up to date
Stephen Hill was proposed as clothing officer by Drew and Scott seconded it.
We need to get an individual to coordinate coaching, coaches and also to think about the assistant secretary to do more race/TT events. Steve M requested that we could arrange some of these at a later time to accommodate people who working late
NP asked about nominations for next year’s charities in relation to the K150. Ross asked members to think of suggestions and forward to the committee.
NP also asked about having a stock list – Colin McC explained there is a document shared by committee to site where club items are kept.