Killinchy CC Social Night and Quiz – Friday 26th June

Published by admin on

kcc quiz

Friday 26th June, upstairs in Balloo House. 8pm for 8.30 start. Light supper will be provided and prizes include a £50 Balloo Inns voucher and Gin!  Quizmaster will be our very own Kevin Davies of WhiteCat Entertainment!  This should be a great night’s craic, any of you who have participated in Kevin’s quizzes will know that they are great fun!  Entry is £5 per head, max 6 people per team.    If you don’t have a team, come along anyway and we can put some teams together!


Please Contact with individual or team entries so I’ve an idea of numbers, Cheers Rossy.


WhiteCat Entertainment

……Quizzes for Everyone!

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