Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all from KCC. The holiday season has passed quietly with frost and icy conditions tempering the enthusiasm of many cyclists. It is good to see that in the first weekend of the new year, the club runs are getting back into swing with good numbers out on Saturday morning, a Belles spin on Sunday, and a gang of thirteen kids out in Castlewellan on Sunday showing their parents how it should be done.
During the year ahead KCC will be aiming to get as many people out on their bikes having fun regularly. Members are encouraged to attend club runs & organise their own runs with other members via the facebook pages. As numbers grow club runs can be split for differing abilities with meet ups for coffee pre arranged.
Prospective members are encouraged to make contact with the club committee members (see contact section), and are welcome to join club runs as guests on up to three occasions before joining.
In addition, club members are organising:
Cycle maintenance classes run by our sponsors from CRC Boucher Road.
Training for members in cycle skills, coaching and safeguarding, enabling the development of our budding youth section.
Weekly spin classes during winter months (open to members and non members)
A Trailquest from and around Killinchy, later in January.
The interclub time trial league will be run through the summer, with Killinchy, La Lanterne Rouge and Shimna Wheelers each hosting three TT’s.
The main event of the year will once again be the K150 charity cycle. The date is confirmed as 16th August and once again all club members will pull together and stage an event that really put us on the map in 2014.
Finally as the calendar ticked over into the new year, the 2014 Cycle Ireland Licences expired, and 2015 club subscriptions became due. So far approximately half of members have registered for 2015 Licences so please do remember to sort yours ASAP and certainly before you cycle this year.