Week Ending 01-06-2014

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Well I am not going to dwell on what a successful first KCC run Time Trial Ross put in place, as you can read the report for yourself on down the homepage.
We did have another great turn out for the mid-week club run and we continued our travels around the K100/K150 route for road junctions, road markings etc so we can add them into our Risk Assessments. The pace wasn’t as hard as last week and many got the opportunity to have a chat along the way and meet some new faces (Michael Harkin etc)
Paul Crossen came up with a great idea to put together a club run on the 31st May, as there was no races and plenty added their names to the list (I think it’s because he suggested a pint at the Poachers Pocket to finish the day off that drew their attention). With 27 riders we headed of in tight formation to Newcastle for some brunch and a well deserved rest for some, as the pace was a wee bit higher than expected due to so many taking their turn at the front, and maybe they wanted to show they had a bit of strength in their legs 😉
After our feed we headed off on a different route (as Ross changed it throughout the day) towards Bryansford and over to Castlewellan, followning the 3rd world route in reverse. Unfortunately due to the hills some got split, however we all met again at Castlewellan and kept pretty much together until Spa, when we had a two punctures, along with a wrecked tubeless rim. But we or should I say Stephen Hill got us mobile again and we ventured onto Lisbane, over a few different roads that some of us hadn’t been on before.
Some took different routes to head home, however 22 of us stayed together and worked well to make it back to the Poachers Pocket, with the exception of wee James having a major mechanical that was sorted to get him home.

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