Week Ending 25-05-14

Published by admin on

Members of the club have started to use the K150 route as part of their training plans and it’s great to see the numbers picking up on the Wednesday night club run (lets hope it continues) 😉 .
Ross G & Alan P attended Dromara CC’s 10 mile time trial on Thursday 22nd and they both performed exceedingly well, with Alan getting 3rd place.
Paul C attended another road race, however his misfortune continues with punctures and he had to pull out on the 2nd lap. This course would have suited the big horse too, as he was sitting at the front waiting for the break.
Sunday saw several riders (B group, or Book group not sure what they call themselves) attend the LLRC over the quoile charity cycle. They done very well with good high mileage achieved from all.
TONIGHT 27-05-14 see KCC hold their first TT from Shrigley to Darraghcross and back, so come along and race (open or club license required), or just come along and yell abuse at the riders as they attempt to push themselves to limits.

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