Get Well Soon Damian!

Published by admin on

Another fantastic week in this long Autumn, with only glimpses of winter. It’s great to see that whilst several people have asked if the cycling club slows down or stops activities for the winter season, that KCC had good numbers out on Monday and Wednesday night, two spin classes on Thursday and weekend spins on Saturday and Sunday.

There were a couple of free bikes in spin class on Thursday night during both the 7pm and 8pm sessions, and it is stressed that these classes are open to non members as well as members, so join the facebook group and reserve yourself a bike for this week, or for the three weeks up until Christmas.

Well done to Andrew Evans who showcased his new (1 day old) baby (bike) at the Bishopscourt Duathlon. We are assured his run and ride times were much better than the last event where he finished in the top 20 so final results are eagerly awaited!



Lastly and by no means leastly, a big get well soon to Damian Mullan who came a cropper on Clough roundabout on Saturday morning. We are assured it was nothing to do with the additional weight of the big bertha fry consumed in Newcastle but more to do with a diesel spill on the road. Luckily no traffic were involved, and after dusting himself down he rode the 25 miles home to Ballygowan. No doubt he will recount the latter action in years to come, (and probably multiply the mileage) as it later turned out he had broken a bone in his wrist in the fall.


Everyone at KCC hopes you heal quick Damian, and look forward to seeing you out on the road again soon.

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