Week Ending 31/08/2014

Published by admin on

As a the club continues to grow in numbers, it’s great to some ladies becoming more involved with getting out on the rides & putting themselves through the pain barrier to push harder.
On Tuesday a few of us went on Marco’s exploration tour around the pennisula and over the ferry route, as he was leaving for home on Saturday morning.
During the week we had our usual club interleague TT and once again Paul Crossen was fastest in the league, however finishing 3rd overall, as we had two visitors that pipped him to the post. Andrew & Jill are still on form and continue to show their strengths during these 10miler TT’s.
On Wednesday night we had a great turn out for the club run, that turned into Marco’s leaving spin AGAIN, even though Jane and him cut off early for a pint at The Poachers Pocket 😉 However the fun didn’t stop there as we had two riders fall due to a touch of wheels through a split second lapse of concentration on a hill. Thankfully both riders were able to get back on their steeds and continue with the ride.
As the winds continued to stay strong, this favoured some of our Strava KOM hunters (including myself) to go out and try to get some or re-claim some back and my word did PC do this, he smashed segment after segment & even after missing out on segments, he regrouped and went back out again to dominate them – this guy is on form..
On Thursday night the committee had a meeting with staff from The Poachers Pocket and Fiona from Down’s Syndrome Association to present them with a cheque for £3500 which was raised at the most recent K150 event.

Saturday saw an excellent turn out for the K150 (that was changed to the K100) club run and with all enjoying the route and a well deserved visit to the ever more popular PP in Lisbane.
On Sunday once again Paul Crossen (above right) represented the club at the Ernie Magwood Super series, finishing with his best time to date on a ‘road bike’ with a super time of 21.30.. I’d hate to think what he can do when he gets a proper TT bike..
Sunday also saw some of the KCC members wives take to the roads for a novice ride around the 25k loop, and when I say novice, I mean complete novice as some hadn’t even ridden over a few miles previously.
Finally the club as a whole covered over 3055 recorded miles on Strava, which is great to see.

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